Checkout all my design challenges here:
2019 Facebook Redesign
Redesign the Facebook App for Android, iOS or Web
What's the Challenge?
The challenge is to redesign the well-known Facebook App either for Android, iOS, or Web.
It should represent the following scenario:
i. Redesign the Facebook App.
ii. It can be animated but not necessarily.
iii. It can be for Android, iOS or Web.

Redesigned version of Facebook profile page concept for web.
Please check out the attachment for a better view here:
Please check out the attachment for a better view here:
PayPal Redesign Challenge
Create a flawless PayPal Screen!
What's the Challenge?
The challenge is to create an awesome PayPal Redesign that will make it easy for the users to pay through the platform as easy as possible.

Redesigned version of PayPal App for iOS (iPhone UI)

Please check out the attachment for a better view here:
Dashboard Challenge
Design or Build a Top-notch Dashboard!
What's the Challenge?
The challenge is to design or build a superb-looking Dashboard that would simply and efficiently display important data and highlight the significant information!

Dashboard concept design for Plant App plugin to collaborate with teams and version control.

Please check out the attachment for a better view here:
Google Maps Redesign Challenge
Can you rework the UI of the Google Maps!
What's the Challenge?
The challenge is to recreate a Google Map Redesign that will be even more awesome than the current app!

Redesigned User Interface of Google Maps for iOS.

Please check out the attachment for a better view here: